5 unique ways to beat the staffing shortage

5 unique ways to beat the staffing shortage

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The causes for staff shortages are largely out of providers’ control. So while it is important to consider recruitment strategies and how to make your organization stand out to top talent, it’s even more important to retain the staff you do have. To do that successfully, you need to focus on one thing: staff satisfaction.

Staff is your number-one asset.

When they’re happy, it’s easier for your staff to care for patients and collaborate with referral partners. Technology can help lighten the load, leading to more fulfilled staff who enjoy their work and feel prioritized by their employers. Even though the shortage may feel like a challenge, here are five ways technology can help you think positive:

From 2019 to 2021, the median turnover rate floated marginally from 64.3% to 65.2%. In 2022, however, it soared to 77.1% (HCP’s 2023 benchmarking report).

Stop wasting time on unnecessary phone calls

As care teams coordinate between patients, family caregivers, and other providers, it’s not uncommon for it to take four to five phone calls for something as simple as equipment delivery. With the CitusHealth platform, staff can facilitate secure communication in real time — alleviating the energy wasted on phone tag and allowing staff to put more focus on patient care. This streamlined approach to communication eliminates the frustration that many staff experience during care coordination.

Take paperwork digital

Replacing paper with digital forms means no excessive traveling to physically pick up documents. CitusHealth features app-less electronic signature capabilities that replace time-consuming paperwork with real-time signatures — easing frustration for staff who don’t want to waste time chasing down forms.

Streamline documentation

When documentation is digital, errors are minimized, data is submitted and approved electronically, signatures can be captured in real time, and all communications and information are easily attached to the patient record — eliminating multiple entry. CitusHealth puts every step of the care journey at your staff’s fingertips, and integrates with EHR systems to make their jobs easier than ever before.

Make sure time off is truly time off

If staff aren’t busy chasing paperwork or playing phone tag, they’re able to enjoy their time off — giving them the work-life balance they need to avoid burnout. CitusHealth streamlines workflows and automatically escalates inbound communications to nurses on call to let off-duty staff have their time off to themselves.

happy nurse, off duty with familyAppeal to multiple generations

With baby boomers nearing retirement, it’s likely that some of your staff is younger. This tech-savvy generation not only uses mobile technology for pretty much everything in their lives, but they will also expect to use it to communicate and collaborate with patients. The CitusHealth platform lets organizations rely less on email and fax and more on secure instant messaging and video chats.

There’s no denying the nationwide staffing shortage or the negative impact it’s having on home-based care organizations. But instead of focusing on the challenges largely out of your control, it’s time to have a positive outlook on the staff you do have.

Talk to a CitusHealth expert to learn how you can focus more on staff by giving them the tools they need to feel empowered in the care they provide and to feel proud to represent an organization that puts their needs first.

Amanda Hannan
Amanda Hannan
Customer Success Manager, CitusHealth

An accomplished and versatile customer-focused leader with a proven track record in building outstanding customer relationships, Amanda builds productive teams and ensures customers exceed their ROI. She’s a Six Sigma Green Belt and subject matter expert in IV workflow management systems implementation, EHR integrations, HL7 interfaces, automated dispensing cabinets, IV pumps, and various SaaS products including analytics-focused reporting tools.

With CitusHealth, Amanda is passionate about optimizing and building processes for customers. Prior to joining the CitusHealth team, she worked with all levels of health system management including IT, pharmacy, nursing, physicians, finance, and supply chain with companies such as Cardinal Health, BD (previously CareFusion) and CorsortiEX.