5 strategies to build consumer confidence in post-acute care

5 strategies to build consumer confidence in post-acute care

Reading Time: 6 minutes

In the changing world of post-acute care, consumer confidence is important. It includes patients’ trust in care quality, comfort with healthcare teams, and how well the care system meets their needs.

Consumer confidence serves as both a barometer and a compass. It guides healthcare providers in aligning their services with the expectations and necessities of patients and their families. Maintaining and improving trust is important for patients’ perception and confidence in their care.

But how can we provide a more trustworthy, patient-centric environment? Let’s look at five key strategies healthcare providers can implement today to rebuild and fortify consumer confidence. We’ll explore how to help bridge gaps, meet challenges head-on, and ultimately lead to a future where consumer confidence in post-acute care is restored and thriving by focusing on the following:

5 strategies to build consumer confidence in post-acute care

Defining consumer confidence in post-acute care

Consumer confidence in the healthcare sector, especially post-acute care, is nuanced yet vital. It includes patients’ trust in care quality, comfort with the care team, and how well the care system meets their needs. This confidence is critically essential in post-acute care as it directly impacts patient outcomes and their overall experiences.

For providers, establishing a solid foundation of trust with patients and their families is essential. It includes clinical aspects, communication, transparency, and addressing patient concerns with understanding and commitment. The challenge lies in consistently delivering on these aspects in an ever-changing healthcare environment.

Challenges impacting consumer confidence

One of the most pressing issues facing post-acute care is staffing shortages. Specifically in nursing and pharmacy, it can mean teams are working more making them more susceptible to burnout, which can impact the care and attention patients receive. Effective staff scheduling and management are crucial to ensuring that care is timely, empathetic, and competent.

Without modern digital software, managing patient history, billing, and documentation can be inefficient for care coordination. The absence of digital tools in a post-acute care setting can lead to the perception of outdated practices, which can make consumers lose trust.

A significant gap in many post-acute care settings is the need for effective patient feedback and engagement channels. Providers need to understand patient experiences to offer services that meet their expectations and needs.

5 key strategies to help create consumer trust

1. Optimize staff and patient scheduling
Addressing staffing challenges in post-acute care is vital. Innovative approaches such as advanced automated scheduling software and new staffing models can significantly improve care delivery. These tools ensure efficiency in care and bring a personalized and compassionate touch to every patient interaction. Improving staff workflow based on patient needs can help balance workload, reduce burnout, and enhance care quality.

2. Leverage digital tools and automation
In the era of digital automation, taking advantage of innovative technology is essential. Cutting-edge tools that can manage patient history, billing, and documentation are beneficial for modern healthcare providers. These technologies streamline operations, minimize errors, and substantially enhance the patient experience.

Embracing digital resources enables healthcare providers to meet consumers’ evolving expectations in post-acute care. Advanced software can help information flow smoothly, making it easy for patients and providers to access and update records. This improves care coordination and patient satisfaction.

3. Foster effective patient engagement
Developing a strong patient engagement plan is crucial for rebuilding consumer confidence. Feedback surveys are important for understanding patient satisfaction, and personalized communication channels can help patients stay engaged. Understanding patient needs and preferences is critical to delivering care that resonates with them, improving their overall experience.

Effective engagement involves actively listening to patient concerns, addressing their questions quickly, and including them in the care process. Doing so will help improve patient satisfaction and can empower them to be active participants in their healthcare journey.

4. Enhance communication and transparency
Clear, consistent communication and transparency are foundational in building consumer trust. Keeping patients and their families informed about care plans, medication changes, and treatment adjustments is essential. Transparency in operational decisions and care processes can enhance trust and reduce anxieties.

Healthcare providers need to adopt digital communication policies to ensure all information can get to the patient quickly and is understandable and empathetic. Patients then have the freedom and convenience to communicate with their providers if they have questions or need support. And providers can easily educate patients to help demystify medical conditions and build a stronger patient-provider relationship.

5. Provide comprehensive training and development
Investing in the training and development of healthcare staff is a strategic move towards enhancing consumer confidence. It includes providing clinical training and software training and educating staff in effective patient communication, empathy, and managing complex situations. Well-trained staff are more proficient in their roles and inspire greater confidence in patients.

Continuous professional development keeps healthcare providers updated on the latest medical care and patient management strategies, improving patient outcomes and satisfaction. Training in emotional intelligence and patient interaction can also help create a more patient-centric care environment.

The future of consumer confidence

Rebuilding consumer confidence in post-acute care is an achievable goal. It requires a balanced approach, combining operational efficiency with empathetic, patient-centered care.

Embracing digital solutions that take advantage of automated technology and real-time data reporting is crucial. These solutions improve efficiency, build patient trust, and lead to better experiences. Ultimately, by being at the forefront, providers can use technology to transform the way they deliver post-acute care.

At CitusHealth, our innovative software can help optimize staff scheduling, enabling healthcare providers to deliver timely and effective care. With advanced features, care teams can work efficiently and reduce errors, while patients can easily access their medical history.

Through enhanced communication capabilities, our software supports quality improvement initiatives and enables data-driven decision-making. It’s designed to help meet patients’ needs and provide them with additional resources, boosting satisfaction and building trust between them and their care teams

Schedule a demo to learn more about CitusHealth’s suite of solutions and discover how we can help you gain confidence from your consumers.

Amanda Hannan
Amanda Hannan
Customer Success Manager, CitusHealth

An accomplished and versatile customer-focused leader with a proven track record in building outstanding customer relationships, Amanda builds productive teams and ensures customers exceed their ROI. She’s a Six Sigma Green Belt and subject matter expert in IV workflow management systems implementation, EHR integrations, HL7 interfaces, automated dispensing cabinets, IV pumps, and various SaaS products including analytics-focused reporting tools.

With CitusHealth, Amanda is passionate about optimizing and building processes for customers. Prior to joining the CitusHealth team, she worked with all levels of health system management including IT, pharmacy, nursing, physicians, finance, and supply chain with companies such as Cardinal Health, BD (previously CareFusion) and CorsortiEX.