2 Major financial impacts of missing clinical documentation

2 Major financial impacts of missing clinical documentation

Does your organization have too much revenue on hold and not enough to keep operations running? Cash collection is a vital piece of achieving success and growth in home-based and clinic care settings. In this blog, we discuss two major financial impacts of missing clinical documentation—and how they can be avoided.

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3 Things patients and family caregivers DON’T want

3 Things patients and family caregivers DON’T want

In specialty pharmacy, home infusion, home health, and hospice, patients and family caregivers often struggle with the stress of chronic and acute illnesses. Add coordinating and navigating care to that stress and it becomes even more complex. In this blog, we discuss what patients and family caregivers want from their care and how technology can help.

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How we use prescriptive workflows to optimize communications (part 2)

How we use prescriptive workflows to optimize communications (part 2)

You can’t have truly optimized operations with dated manual processes that rely on phone and email. CitusHealth has the most impactful workflows for managing forms, capturing signatures, and educating patients. Read our latest blog to learn more about our prescriptive workflows and what they can do for you.

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How we use prescriptive workflows to optimize communications (part 1)

How we use prescriptive workflows to optimize communications (part 1)

CitusHealth has helped customers transform their operations for years, so we’ve figured out the most impactful workflows for better communication and more engaged patients and caregivers. Read our latest blog to learn how we optimize operations with prescriptive workflows and what they can do for you.

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