4 Benefits of patient engagement tools in post-acute care

4 Benefits of patient engagement tools in post-acute care

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By: Chris Pugliese, Senior Product Manager, CitusHealth

While patient engagement is a critical part of every care setting, post-acute providers have long struggled to achieve success when it comes to communication with patients and their caregivers.

This struggle is likely because of traditional methods of communication like telephone, email, or fax—all creating barriers to providing cohesive care and keeping clinicians informed. The good news is there are tools that can help.

When using the right tools for engagement, staff and patients communicate in real time, which makes information more accessible and reduces time spent between clinicians gathering patient data. The end results are more positive outcomes for patients and more satisfied clinicians due to automated processes.

What are the benefits of using patient engagement tools in post-acute care?

With true EHR integration, patient engagement tools are more accessible than ever, providing convenient and secure access to information directly within your records system. Here are four key benefits of using these tools to achieve patient engagement in post-acute care.

Ease of communication
When providers and patients can communicate on the same level, it opens visibility into post-acute care. The result is automated communication that gives patients real-time responses and eases the burden of after-hours work for clinicians.

Simplified access to information
Nationwide networks like CommonWell Health Alliance and Carequality have advanced interoperability technology, giving patients and providers access to health records and the entire care journey—all integrated within EHR systems.

As interoperability evolves, patient engagement will only thrive, resulting in better care and better outcomes.

Improved process
With the ability to sign documents electronically before the initial visit even begins, time is saved for staff and a workflow begins for patient data to flow directly into medical records for care moving forward.

This is just the beginning for patient engagement tools improving processes. Documents can be shared, reminders can be sent, and auto-escalation eliminates phone tag between patients and their care teams.

More coordinated care
Critical medical event? Change in patient status? When the unexpected happens, the right patient engagement tools can help care teams better communicate and coordinate a reaction. This level of engagement could mean happier patients, more satisfied staff, and a better reputation for your organization.

Achieve patient engagement success with CitusHealth

At a glance, patient engagement is an instant fix for after-hours inquiries from patients. But simplified communication can solve a complex problem in post-acute care—the ability for clinicians to communicate with patients and other caregivers more efficiently.

With the right tools, patient engagement can result in a more informed staff, more positive outcomes for patients, and more effective care.

Schedule a demo today to learn more about how CitusHealth can help you achieve patient engagement success.

Chris Pugliese
Chris Pugliese
Senior Product Manager, CitusHealth

Having spent the last decade working with post-acute technology and EMRs, and the last five years focused on interoperability, Chris’ strength is enabling technology. His passion is also educating on the growing importance of interoperability and its benefits to the post-acute care settings. With CitusHealth, he’s become an interoperability leader, spearheading integration and interop initiatives both internally and externally.

Chris’ industry committee roles and responsibilities include: Leadership Team Member for the Post-Acute Interoperability Work Group (PACIO), technical lead for the Functional Status Subgroup for the PACIO initiative, CommonWell Health Alliance Use Case Committee member, and CommonWell Health Alliance Specification Workgroup member.